Washington, DC: OPM. OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration. 2013. Federal injury and disease statistics for monetary year 2012: End of year totals. stats12 final. html accessed November 11, 2013. The main menu has alternatives of putting new records, enhancing, deleting or showing of statistics as depicted in Figure 13a for computer technology help main menu of equipment administrator or supervisor. If login was computer science help gadget administrator, then pc technology help equipment administrator would have pc science help medicine submenu where medication items can also be inserted, updated, deleted or regarded. If pc science help system administartor wish programming help add or edit or delete or demonstrate then he/she need programming help click computer technological know-how help appropritae option that can be insert or replace or delete or exhibit. The interface for insert, replace, delete, reveal of all drugs items and exhibit of computer technology help stock of drugs merchandise are as shown in Figure 13b, Figure 13c, Figure 13d, Figure 13e and Figure 13f respectively. Implementation in pc technology help E Health care system developments consists of pc technological know-how help writing of pc technological know-how help algorithms and source codes for pc technology help layout that has been developed. The algorithms built during this part consist of Search, validation, registration, insert, edit, delete and exhibit algorithms.