Youve heard computing device science help expression, The whole is larger than computer technological know-how help sum of its parts. For instance, if each of two politicians is in a position programming help bring together one million votes on their very own, but together they were able programming help get 2. 7 million votes, their synergy would have produced 700,000 more votes than their individual, independent pull. In computer technological know-how help world of busness, a economic advantage that a company expects programming help observe when it merges with or acquires another company refers programming help a corporate synergy. This also holds true for any therapeutic change work. You can never have sufficient tools in your pocket. Examples Of Metonymy Metonymy In Poetry Example 1. Metonymy Examples. ‘ You could easily make a listing of point in Metonymy is a determine of speech used in rhetoric through which something or concept is simply not known as by its own name, but by laptop technology help name of anything intimately linked to that thing or concept. See Metonymy examples in this study!Metonymy Literary Definition and Metonymy Meaning. Metonymy definition is a determine of speech consisting of computing device technological know-how help use of computer technology help name of 1 thing for that of an alternative of which it is an characteristic or with which it is linked consisting of ‘crown’ in ‘lands belonging programming help desktop technology help crown’. For instance, “Hollywood” is a metonym for computing device science help US In rhetoric, metonymy is desktop technology help substitution of 1 word for an alternative word with which it is associated.